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Honiara Solomon Islands

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Wednesday, 12 February

How does InvestSolomons monitor investor activities?

The Investment Monitoring Unit is responsible for the monitoring of investor activities in the country. Apart from assisting newly established investment projects, the unit also monitors the progress of approved registrations and forward findings to the Registrar of Foreign Investment (Division Director) for consideration.

The unit ensures that:

  • Foreign investments comply with the Foreign Investment Act and related legislation (Regulation or policy). Breaching the requirements of the relevant legislations may result in a review and penalising of the offending foreign investor.
  • Foreign investors are operating in peaceful business environment. Support and assistance will be provided where required by the foreign investor through its role of aftercare service.

The Unit is also responsible for ensuring that investors comply with the terms and conditions of their approval to operate inside of Solomon Islands and to investigate suspected non-approved investment projects and suspected cases of non-compliance.