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Headquarter and Corporate Services
Honiara Solomon Islands

(+677) 22856, (+677) 25081, (+677) 25082, (+677) 25083

(+677) 25084

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Saturday, 27 July
Abbreviation/Acronym Definitions
BCD Business and Cooperatives Development (Division)
BDC Business Development Center
BDS Business Development Services
BMNZ Business Mentors New Zealand
CBO Community Based Organization
CBSI Central Bank of Solomon Islands
CDO Constituency Development Officer
DCCG Democratic Coalition for Change Government
DM Development Marketplace
EDC Entrepreneurship Development Centre
FID Foreign Investment Division
FSDP Financial Sector Development Plan
GDP Gross Domestic Product
ICT Information, Communication and Technology
IDD Industrial Development Division
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC International Finance Corporation
ILSP International Labour Standards and Prosecution (Unit)
IMF International Monetary Fund
IT Information Technology
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MCILI Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration
MCLI Ministry of Commerce, Labour and Immigration
MEHRD Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development
MFI Microfinance Institution
MFT Ministry of Finance and Treasury
MIS Management Information System
MP Member of Parliament
MPGIS Ministry for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening
MRD Ministry for Rural Development
MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
MWYCA Ministry for Woman, Youth and Children Affairs
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NGO Non-governmental Organization
PIMF Policy Implementation and Monitoring Framework
PSF Private Sector Federation
RDP Rural Development Programme
SDG Sustainable Development Goods
SIDB Solomon Islands Development Bank
SIG Solomon Islands Government
SIIRA Solomon Islands Inland Revenue Authority
SISMEDA Solomon Islands Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency
SMES Small and Medium Enterprise (including micro enterprises)
TC Technical Committee
TVET Technical and Vocation Education and Training
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
USD United States Dollar
VAT Value Added Tax
WED Women Entrepreneurship Development